Nicole’s Easy Cobb Salad

nicole monturo cobb


  • Fresh Romaine lettuce
  • Campari Tomatoes – sliced in halves/quarters
  • Crumbled cheese (Feta, Goat, or Blue Cheese)
  • Bacon – crumbled
  • Grilled/Roasted chicken cut in small cubes
  • Avocado – optional


  1. Fill individual salad bowls with fresh, crisp romaine lettuce
  2. Add the sliced Tomatoes, the cubed chicken, the crumbled cheese, and crumbled bacon all around the salad circle – grouping the items together
  3. Place the cut-up Avocado (nicely cubed) in the center
  4. Serve with multiple choices of dressing – Homemade Italian, Blue Cheese dressing, Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette or just your favorite dressing.